
Our initiatives

When joining us, our employees are offered the chance to get involved with three core initiatives, you can check them out below!

Mental Health

We believe a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference. That’s why we offer a Mental Health Support Group, ran by our employees for our employees. The group run a number of initiatives including.

  • A buddy call scheme where we check in with people on a monthly basis
  • Videos that cover different important mental health topics
  • Encouraging the sharing of personal experiences with mental health
  • Regular awareness internally

It is important to us as a business that we keep our people talking! We are dedicated to removing the stigma that surrounds mental health.


There are so many reasons why caring about the environment & sustainability is important to us. Yet it’s partly because we think polar bears are cute and the coral reefs and rainforests need saving, but it’s also because climate change negatively impact every human, every country, every animal and every habitat.

Our environment team aims to inspire our internal teams and clients to have a more sustainable approach to the environment, at work and at home.

We are also proud to say that Goodman Masson was awarded with the Carbon Neutral+ status as part of our commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. But that is our work far from over, and our team are still working toward recycling, becoming paperless and inspiring our employees and clients in the importance of sustainability.

Charities and Communities

We are involved with a number of different charities and community projects throughout the year, and everyone has a chance to get involved! Below is a snapshot of some of the charity events we have been involved in.

  • Befrienders program that launched during COVID to speak to vulnerable and elderly residents through our social housing partners.
  • CareersStart@Home was a series of five online programmes designed at upskilling and supporting residents with their employability skills through our social housing partners.
  • Food bank donations
  • Christmas giving
  • Recruitment Mentoring
  • Annual charity challenges which have included, Kilimanjaro, Zambezi River and Machu Picchu to the Amazon

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