By Sophie Stones

Often when we think of bliss we think about the act of doing nothing. Whether that involves laying on a beach, cocktail in hand, or watching Game of Thrones with a box of chocolates, chances are it’s the idea of getting away from it all that is really appealing.

It can come as a surprise to many of us then that the idea of sitting on a sofa one more day brings some people to tears. However, when a week turns into two, turns into months of not having to go to work, it turns out the majority of us start to crave those early Monday mornings.

According to the American Psychological Association, those that have been unemployed for a prolonged period of time are twice as likely to suffer from depression and anxiety as those who spend their days in an office. Consistent with Professor of Sociology, Doctor Avison, this has a direct correlation with a person’s self-worth, “job loss seems to result in a serious erosion in people’s sense of control and self-esteem,” bringing with it a whole range of health problems including hypertension and diabetes.

When unemployed, it’s all too easy to slip into the humdrum of bad habits, each one leading to our further downfall, and meaning that with time it can actually feel harder to get your hands on a new job. For those who find themselves in this position, we’ve created a short list of things that can help you keep your head above water.

Buddy Up

Don’t fall into the trap of trying to do it all on your own, find a recruitment company that specialises in your field and get their help. Not only will they know of jobs you don’t have access to but having somebody to hold your hand, as you tackle these next steps, will help you to feel less alone and just as importantly less stressed.

Keep a consistent schedule

Often with job searching we become depleted, in majority, because with new technologies we are able to look for jobs anywhere and anytime. Instead of sending out CV’s during family time or watching TV whilst writing a covering letter, stick to a strict time scheme. Looking for a job is now your job and your boss is making sure you clock off on time. (Your boss is us in this analogy)

Be fresh and healthy

Not having to get up for work every day can lead to us also abandoning our other customs; not having to leave the house all day doesn’t mean we should forego the shower, just as we shouldn’t neglect our social lives out of guilt that we’re not working. Make sure you’re still completing your exercise regime and don’t get into the habit of focusing on comfort food.

Pop your rose-tinted glasses on

Job-hunting can suck. We know that. You know that. Hearing somebody tell you to look on the bright side when you haven’t seen the sky for weeks, can be incredibly annoying, however it’s a proven technique for getting yourself into the groove of job hunting. So called “happiness magnets” are almost twice as likely to get a job offer than those who claim they feel despondent after weeks of applying for roles. Robert Leahy, Director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, suggests the way to get on their wave length is to simply see your time away from work as simply a break between one role and the next.

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